Mindset Unleashed
Are you looking for a new idea, a new perspective, or a new way to think about life? Mindset Unleashed Today Podcast offers a fresh take on self-help content designed to help you live a better life. We talk about personal development and mindset shifts that will make a difference in your life through personal experiences and high-quality interviews brought to you by Tommy Gucciardo. This podcast is all about people who overcame the odds. It will give you the benefit of learning from all of our wrong turns, from drug addiction to incarceration to dealing with divorce and starting all over later in life to help you thrive. It’s time to take your life to the next level and reach new heights in every aspect of your life. Listen to this podcast now! And learn about successful mindsets, happiness secrets, how to break free of old habits and identities that are holding you back, and so much more.
Meet Tommy Gucciardo
Tommy has lived life’s ups and downs and has come out to the other side, better and wiser for the wear and tear. He was born in raised in an Italian household in Queens by two hard-working professional parents. In his early life, he enjoyed playing sports and was on various teams, including Basketball, Baseball, Football, and swimming. He graduated from Archbishop Molloy High School in 1986 and eventually graduated from Saint Johns University with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in 1991. He started his career on Wall Street and always had that entrepreneurial spirit, and started a few businesses along the way.
Today he found his passion in a company called Ticketbash.com, where he is the Chief Strategy Officer and partner. This company resells tickets to all major events.
On the personal side, Tommy has been married twice and has two beautiful girls, Victoria and Ava, who are his world. He also has a stepdaughter, Gerilynn, whom he’s proud to call his own. He continues to reside in Queens, where he was born and raised. All of this sounds great on the outside, but Tommy’s had his share of ups and downs. He’s spent many years in active addiction and has had two prior incarcerations. Today Tommy has been clean and in recovery since 10/28/08.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
It is always said that life begins when you step out of your comfort zones. However, most people are afraid to take that leap of faith because they are used to staying comfortable. Whether we like it or not, life sometimes forces us to pull the trigger and give something a shot. In most cases, we will fail from the first trial, but that should not be the end. We need the mindset of rising again, dusting off our clothes, and trying again. It is better to fail while trying than not to try.
Whichever side of the spectrum you are on, you must understand that there is no other way to get better than to use different methods. Getting out of your comfort zone does not have to end in a positive. It sometimes ends negatively, but it is possible to take that negative and make it a positive. Instead, face your fears confidently because the most significant limitation is yourself.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares how to face your fears and step out of your comfort zone to improve yourself. Learn about what is holding you back from progress and live beyond it. A better life is on the other side if you step out.
Key Highlights from the Episode
[00:00] Episode intro and what is in for you today
[01:24] Things you need to step out of your comfort zone
[03:43] Factors in a comfort zone
[05:47] Face your fears with confidence
[08:04] You are your greatest enemy
[09:44] Getting out of your comfort zone does not have to end in the positive
[10:20] Golden takeaways from this episode
[10:47] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Life always begins when you step out of your comfort zone.”
“Getting out of a comfort zone is all about taking the risk.”
“There’s no reward for not taking risks.”
“The first failure gives you an alert that you can now do things. Face another one too.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Leaving a Legacy
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
But what is a legacy? How is it measured, and what does it entail? A teenager will think of legacy as leaving a lot of wealth and money, but that changes as they age to adulthood. The thought processes mature, and they begin to see life through a different lens.
True legacy is not about money and wealth. It comes from the point of self-discovery when you master something you are willing to die for. It is motivated by the desire to leave the world as a better place than how you found it. Your legacy lives eternally in people’s hearts long after you die. So, whatever you are focusing on that does not fit that mindset needs a fresh renewal of the mind. Do not spend valuable years focusing on things that lose value with time.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares more about legacy, what it entails, and how you can start yours today. Listen as he gives us inspirational tips to uncover and live out our potential without the fear of failure. Pull the trigger, fail, learn from the mistakes, and start again.
Let’s jump in!
Key Highlights from the Episode
[00:00] Episode intro
[00:45] Leaving a legacy
[01:25] What leaving a legacy is and what is not
[02:24] A mindset of finding good things even in adversities
[03:35] It is all about discovering your passion and then growing it
[04:51] What do you want your kids to be left saying about you
[06:06] Unleash your full potential
[07:10] Here are your golden takeaways from this episode
[08:13] How Tommy wasted a lot of his precious years
[08:34] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Life is always changing, and so are you.”
“With the right mindset, bad things can shape you for the better.”
“Most people do not live to their full potential because they are nervous and do not trust their abilities.”
“Pull the trigger, fail and learn from it and then try again.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING. Will you?
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Finding Balance
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
No entrepreneur wants their business to fail, whether a startup or advanced. Though it is essential to put all your focus, energy, and attention into a business in its early stages, the right balance is necessary. You can never run a business when you are in a hospital bed. Therefore, just as your business success is essential, so is your health. Finding the right balance and personal life is an art and skill that all entrepreneurs should be aware of.
Self-love is the highest motivation to finding that balance. You should not love your business more than you love yourself. Whatever you put more love on, you will always find time to be with them. Out of the abundance of self-love, you can extend that to your business, family, and social life. Refrain from being deficient in some areas because you did not create the right priorities. A business system that steals your sense of happiness will not last.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares his experience finding the right balance between business and personal life. Learn practical ways to crack the right code of balance and experience the life of freedom that made you leave your job to start entrepreneurship. It is a tragedy to leave the slavery of a job only to be enslaved more in the name of a business.
Let’s jump in!
Key Highlights from the Episode
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[00:38] Finding your balance in life
[01:04] How Tommy used to find balance in his life
[02:08] How do you find that right balance?
[02:16] Look at yourself and ensure you are happy
[03:23] Learn to say NO
[05:02] Know and plan for what makes you happy
[05:50] What happens when you are out of balance
[08:13] How Tommy wasted a lot of his precious years
[08:56] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Life is always changing, and so are you.”
“An entrepreneur who has mastered the art of balancing their business and personal life will work smart.”
“Learn what makes you happy and set the time to do those things.”
“When you find balance in your life, things start coming your way, and you feel better. That’s how you start growing.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change, their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING. Will you?
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
The Art of Working Smarter
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
There are two types of people in business. Some work harder, and another category works smarter. The hard-working business owner in this context is not only the blood of a business but also the bones. This is the kind who will do all the tasks of accounting, production, marketing, sales, and every detail of a business. These business owners are prone to burnout, depression, and stress because they spend long hours on the business at the expense of their personal care. They will sleep fewer hours and never have vacations. They will win their businesses but lose both their family and their sanity. The more they work, the more they lose.
The other group of entrepreneurs prioritizes working smart. They know how to leverage other people’s resources and expertise to get things done. One of the best words in their vocabulary is delegation and teamwork. Delegation involves outsourcing skills and paying someone to do tasks on your behalf at a small cost. Though the earnings may not be that great, it gives them the freedom to develop personally because they know that they are the most valuable assets to the future of their businesses.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares why doing everything in your business is a recipe for its death. Having personally struggled through this, Tommy shares how he bounced back, the valuable lessons he learned, and how you can reclaim your life back from the business you own. Apart from the delegation, learn other ways to replace working hard with working smart and unlock the full potential of your business.
Key Highlights from the Episode
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[00:41] Working hard instead of smart
[01:47] What does it mean to work smart?
[01:54] Delegating tasks
[03:44] Have a good staff and instill good work ethics in them
[04:44] Cultivate a healthy mindset
[05:45] Set and follow your work goals in a day
[07:24] Benefits of working smarter over working hard
[08:43] Your golden takeaway from the episode
[09:15] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“A productive business life is when you step outside it as the owner and let the business run without your active involvement.”
“Learn to walk away for a moment when in the heat of an argument with your business team.”
“A person who prioritizes things gets work done.”
“It’s the person who works smarter who is the most successful one.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Everything Is Not About You
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Your life is not just about you. It’s also about the people in your life. Whether you are a father, business owner, husband, wife, or grandfather, the things you do or say affect the people around you. Your words and actions can hurt just as much as punching someone in the face does, especially when used against the people we love, care for, or admire in life. People process what you say and do, both positive and negative, all the time, and it shapes their perspective and relationship with you. Our words and actions mirror what is in our hearts to the people we interact with.
When hurting, we can be very hurtful with our words, actions, and how we treat people, especially when unaware of it. To some of us, when we are hurting, we want other people to hurt too, and unknowingly or knowingly, we do things that cause them to hurt and feel miserable like we do. Negativity doesn’t make our lives better, and it doesn’t just impact the person we are speaking to It impacts us too. Your words and actions can build or destroy. They can give life or drain it. They can make someone feel loved or unloved. Choosing the right words and actions can help us be more positive and change our lives and that of others. Building others and creating a positive impact starts with ourselves. You can not give out to the world what you don’t possess.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares why everything is not just about you but also about other people in your life. With social media and the competition out there, it’s very easy for people to feel inadequate or less than others. Being a positive force in such a time is a great way to put your life in perspective and help others do the same. When you spread positivity to others, it creates a ripple effect for everyone.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[01:39] Everything is not always about you
[02:23] Tommy’s experience and how it affected his life
[03:04] Whatever you do and say affects people in your life
[04:34] Building people up with positive words and actions
[05:35] Everything begins with you, fix yourself first
[07:26] Cultivating positivity in a social media dominated world
[08:35] Get out there and share your positivity, life is too short
[09:29] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Whatever you do and say affects people in your life.”
“Words, when used wrongly, can hurt the people we love and care for.”
“Positive actions and words build people and help you get to the next level.”
“Choose your words wisely; the things you say might affect people for the rest of their life.”
“Positive reinforcement helps others grow.”
“When you are spreading positivity, it creates a ripple effect, and it’s the same with negativity.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Overcoming Procrastination To Thrive
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Procrastination is a natural human tendency that all of us have. It sometimes stems from our self-fulfilling prophecy and conviction that something will cause us to fail or makes us unhappy. Often when we want to do something, we do it, but if we don’t want to do it or are unhappy about it, we are likely to procrastinate. Also, when we feel overwhelmed and like there is too much, procrastination kicks in as a way to avoid the problem, sometimes until it’s too late to get things done without much effort and stress.
When we procrastinate, work builds up, and before we realize it, we are tied to a big and sometimes overwhelming project with little to no time to complete it. Procrastination always leads to anxiety and crises, especially when we don’t have enough time to get things done. This eventually leads us to put unwanted stress on people around us, which is unfair to them. We have choices to make. We have the power to decide whether to procrastinate or not. Procrastination is just a resistance force that we all experience. It’s just a way of avoiding our own goals, especially when we feel overwhelmed or detached, and we can either let it control us and get ourselves in more trouble or take power back and start to take action toward our goals.
Join the conversation with your host, Tommy, as he shares how you can beat procrastination, prevent it from sipping into other areas and get things done to achieve your goal. We are all prone to procrastination, no one is immune, but our ability to resist and take action toward our goals determines our progress. Rising above procrastination and cultivating consistency is the key to getting where we want to be and becoming the person we desire to be.
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[00:39] Procrastination and why we struggle with it
[01:11] Crisis mode: How procrastination leads to unwanted stress
[02:25] Treating procrastination like a goal and making progress
[04:17] Stop overwhelm by setting manageable deadlines
[04:39] Remove distractions to focus on your work and get things done
[05:40] Rewarding yourself when you get things done to keep your motivation going
[06:39] How procrastination sips into other areas and makes work bigger
[07:34] Make things simple and take bit size pieces every day
[08:26] Shifting your mindset away from the negativity to positivity in life
[09:18] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Set up small individual goals, and you will make progress.”
“When we feel overwhelmed, and like there is too much on our plate, setting manageable deadlines gives us a way out.”
“Removing and closing out distractions will help you focus, get things done and avoid procrastination.”
“Being in crisis mode all the time because of procrastination is unhealthy, life is too short, plan your success.”
“Negativity doesn’t help us be happy in life, positivity does.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Xwmo84h658RxwxJvFgrQQ/
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Being Vulnerable and Open To Grow
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Vulnerability is tricky, but once you understand your emotions and feelings, it becomes easier to be more vulnerable and open with others. The key to life is expressing your feelings and what is going on. This is the only way to get better. However, we are not taught how to express our feeling or show them to others. We are taught to hide our feelings and try to fix the problem with logic rather than face it. This has left many of us with a hurting past that we carry throughout our lives, stopping us from loving ourselves and those around us. When we can’t love ourselves, we can’t love, be vulnerable, or open to others. We become bitter and resentful, and our actions, even those in the past, can make us feel regretful and not worth enough.
We tend to forget that every day, we're in the process of reinventing ourselves. The past has shaped us into who we are today, but it doesn’t determine who we will be tomorrow. We chose to either be trapped in it or to escape it. We choose the life we want to live by the choices we make every other day. Letting go of a negative past and being vulnerable and open to better ourselves is a choice. Don’t be ashamed of the choices or the mistakes that you made in the past. We all have, and as long as you can look at it from today's perspective, it will not hold you back from your future. Every day is a new day. Every morning is a new beginning. It’s time to be vulnerable, be our best version, and connect with our true selves!
Join the conversation with your host Tommy as he shares more about letting go of the past, being vulnerable, and being open to bettering your life today and in the future. Vulnerability is all about understanding your emotions and feelings, recognizing what is going on in your life, and expressing it.
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[00:38] Being vulnerable and open and Tommy’s struggle during recovery
[04:34] Does it hurt when you’re vulnerable? Get good people around you
[05:35] Understanding your emotions and feeling to make life easier
[06:16] Don’t be afraid of your past; use it to forge your future
[07:21] Take a leap of faith, and be vulnerable to grow
[08:01] Don’t be rigid, go out there, trust one person and be vulnerable
[09:13] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“Get good network and people around you to heal.”
“Don’t be afraid of your past; use it as a stepping stone to be a better person in the future.”
‘Taking a leap of faith, being vulnerable, and letting go of emotions and feelings out is the only way to grow.”
“If you stay in a nutshell and hold on to negative emotions, you will never grow as a person.”
“You will never know until you try.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Why your Rock Bottom Could be your Pivotal Moment
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like your back is against the wall and all hope seems lost? This might be the moment when you are most ready to change. There are two ways of looking at any moment in life that feels like rock bottom: a moment before one starts to grow or a sign that things are about to change. By viewing your difficult moments as pivotal moments, you can take purposeful action and make a lasting change in your life. The right mindset can be an opportunity to change perspective and find a new way forward. This can lead to personal growth and a fresh start.
Learn how my rock bottom felt when I was incarcerated and how I processed this and came out on top. Join me as I share four important things I learned at rock bottom.
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[01:34] Tommy’s rock bottom
[04:51] What you do when you hit rock bottom is the most important thing
[05:35] Things Tommy has learned while coming out of the rock bottom
[06:07] Let constructive feelings take control.
[07:00] Have faith
[08:26] Learn to be more compassionate with you
[09:52] Surrounding yourself with the right people
[11:32] A lot of things may not change in the rock bottom except YOU
[12:01] I am open to listening to you and walking with you. Just reach out
[13:09] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
“The hardest part of recovery is to do the work.”
“There could be multiple layers of your rock bottom.”
“With positive feelings, things may not become easier, but bearable.”
“Things may not change at your rock bottom, but you change when you cultivate a positive mindset.”
Connect With Me
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tommygucciardo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommygucciardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tommygucciardo
Linktr. ee: https://linktr.ee/tommygucciardo
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tommygucciardo
Please, DO ME A FAVOR. For this message to grow and get out to more people to help them change their mindset is by LIKING, COMMENTING, SUBSCRIBING, and SHARING.